Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Wordpress migration problems and how to fix them

Most of the time, you don't have to worry about the upload path in wordpress. Move_uploaded_file (on my setup) always makes files 0600 ("Rw- - -") and owned by the user running the webserver (owner and group). You can set the wordpress constant allow_unfiltered_uploads” to true” in file of your wordpress install. Bulk upload images with the add from server plugin. The second changes the folder and files to only allow user access to writing.

You can change the domain name for your wordpress site any time you like, but there are a few important settings that must me made in order to make the switch. In other words, you can upload files to your server via ftp, but in order to access those media files via the media library and use them inside your wordpress dashboard, a few additional steps need to be performed for wordpress to recognize those files.

I couldn't find any settings to change this via or even using "Umask()". This is where the uploads folder is located. Only change Wordpress common paths files should go into the restricted directory. The new url can be specified under the wps hide login section in the wordpress settings. It requires accessing your site through an ftp server, editing your files and adding code to them, so be prepared to do all of that if you're still new to wordpress and building websites.

Right-click the uploads folder, and select file permissions. Choose the location of your files and check each of the files you want to upload to your media library. The add from server plugin offers a simple solution to bulk uploading media to your site. If you've already made this change, you are not able to log in since wordpress is configured to use the old url.

I am a wordpress and php developer building my own plugins and working with delicious brains I like to blog about things, especially wordpress. To use the plugin, install and activate it. Then go to either the plugins interface and click on add from server > import files or in the admin sidebar go to media > add from server. When the path is not an absolute path, it will be treated as a relative path to the wp-content directory.